The World Energy Council Poland welcomes its new institutional member

30th January 2019

Press ReleaseEuropeMember CommitteesPartners

On January 24th  2019, the Board of the World Energy Council  Poland and the Ministry of Energy of Poland made an agreement, according to which Ministry of Energy of Poland has joined the World Energy Council Poland as an institutional member. The basic liaison person  between the World Energy Council Poland and Ministry of Energy of Poland will be Tomasz Dąbrowski, Deputy Minister of Energy, Poland, who is also a vice-chairman of the board of  the World Energy Council Poland.

Representatives of the Ministry will participate in events organized by the World Energy Council  Poland and support the activities of committee with their knowledge.

"This is a great honor for our committee, which will result in both meritorical and marketing benefits" – said Krystian Kowalewski, Executive Director of the World Energy Council Poland.

The Ministry of Energy became the 17th institutional member of Polish Committee of World Energy Council.

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