Secretary General of the World Energy Council, Christoph Frei, said: "It is great news for WEC to be able to have Einari join the team. He will bring a wealth of experience in the energy space and a broad understanding of Europe to support the on-going work of WEC."
Einari Kisel said: "It is clearly an honour to have the opportunity to work for the world's most comprehensive energy organisation, which engages all the most relevant energy leaders on earth."
Einari Kisel (39) has been responsible for guiding Estonian energy policy in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications since 2002. He was the official representative of Estonia in several high-level EU and international energy forums. Since 2003 Einari Kisel has been Vice-Chairman of the WEC Estonian National Committee. Before the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications he was engaged in the energy utility Eesti Energia for 7 years in various leadership positions, culminating in being appointed Director of Trade.
Einari Kisel has Masters Degrees in Thermal Engineering and in Business Administration from the Tallinn University of Technology. During the studies he undertook additional practical studies in United States, Germany and Denmark.