Workshop participants discussed issues regarding the use, development and capacity building of long-term energy scenarios (LTES) to support the clean energy transition, focusing on Latin America. Drawing on the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) LTES Campaign network, the two-day workshop gathered country officials, multilateral development agencies and other experts working with energy scenarios in the region.
The Long-term Energy Scenarios for the Clean Energy Transition campaign aims to promote the wider adoption and improved use of long-term model-based energy scenarios as a key driver of this effort, by: (1) sharing country experience in the use and benefits of long-term energy scenarios to support clean energy transition through national and regional policy planning; (2) showcasing innovative tools and methods for energy scenario modelling that address features of long-term clean energy transition; and (3) identifying approaches to build and enhance national capacity for clean energy transition planning and to share with countries with limited experience.
The World Energy Council's three regional scenarios for the Latin America (Samba, Tango and Hard Rock) call for action Energy Leaders, aim to encourage government policy directions, focus on energy opportunities, support regional integration processes, develop policies related to climate and macro-risk management.