WEC intensifies Central and Eastern Europe activities

15th April 2013

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NEWS_Eastern Europe
The WEC is set to intensity its members’ activities in Central and Eastern Europe.

At the recent WEC Central and Eastern Europe regional meeting, held in Bucharest during 18–20 March, WEC member committees agreed to establish the regional meeting as a regular gathering, to take place every year. Every second meeting will be held within the FOREN, a biennial event hosted by the Romanian Member Committee, while another MC in region will host the event in the other years on a voluntary basis.

Dr Christoph Frei, WEC Secretary General, comments: “This is great news and adds to our increasing number of regional events highlighting the importance of regional actors in the energy sector. I am grateful to all those who are working so hard to make this happen.”

The regional meeting, hosted by the Romanian MC, also agreed on the date and a preliminary programme for the next FOREN. FOREN 2014 will run under the theme of “Tomorrow’s Energy: From Vision to Reality”. It will have 5 discussion sessions, with 145 papers expected to be presented. It will also host workshops and present a number of WEC flagship studies. The issue of market restructuring and energy pricing was of particular interest to the region’s MCs. FOREN 2014 will take place on 15–19 June 2014 in Romania (city to be confirmed).

The WEC’s European Member Committees were in full force at the regional meeting. Chairs or Secretaries from Member committees from Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Serbia and Turkey took part. Notably the Russian delegation included its Chair, Secretary, and one member. The Romanian MC showed strong intention to drive a regional Future Energy Leaders Programme and promote media communication in the region.

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