WEC New Zealand to strengthen business ties

1st June 2012

News ArticleOceaniaMember CommitteesPolicy

The WEC’s New Zealand Member Committee, the Energy Federation of New Zealand (EFNZ), is set to further strengthen its ties with the country’s business community.

EFNZ is in discussions to partner with BusinessNZ, New Zealand’s largest advocacy group for enterprise.  BusinessNZ champions policies leading to international competitiveness; balanced employment, economic and environmental legislation; compliance and tax levels that foster growth and investment; innovation and skills development; and an environment fostering the production of high-value goods and services.

Most EFNZ members are already part of BusinessNZ’s networks, which include major companies, employers, manufacturers, regional chambers of commerce, and industry associations including those in the energy sector.

Dr Rob Whitney, Chair of WEC New Zealand, said: “The proposed relationship with BusinessNZ will take EFNZ activities to a wider audience, and enable New Zealand to participate more actively in the WEC’s work programme, providing much more value for our members and for the community out of WEC activities, programmes and information.”

Members of EFNZ will formally consider this proposal at an AGM in July, where Phil O’Reilly, Chief Executive of BusinessNZ, will be the invited speaker.

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