WEC speaks on water–energy nexus at the World Water Forum

22nd March 2012

News ArticleGlobalEventsInnovationPolicy

The World Energy Council made headway in raising awareness of the water–energy nexus at the 6th World Water Forum, held recently (12–17 March) in Marseille, France, thanks to two WEC speakers.

Pierre Gadonneix, WEC Chairman, addressed delegates about the connections between water and energy, and how policymakers could encourage collaboration between the two sectors. Karl Rose, Director of Policies and Scenarios, was a panellist at the Water–Energy Policy Network’s discussion.

At the Forum Pierre Gadonneix also agreed a joint statement for the WEC to collaborate with the World Water Council.  The two organisations will promote greater energy efficiency in the management of water, recognise and improve energy usage in the water sector, and facilitate cross-sector dialogue.

The water and energy sectors face similar long-term challenges.  Both sectors need to address rising demand while tackling the issues of climate change, energy and water poverty. The sectors also share similar opportunities in the resources and technologies available to address these challenges.

“Coordinated solutions and policies should be developed in terms of governance on both national and international levels,” Gadonneix said.  Loïc Fauchon, President of the World Water Council, added: “Recognising the nexus between water and energy will translate into greater funding for water infrastructure. Energy and water both lie at the heart of securing tomorrow's world.”

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