World Energy Council at UN SE4ALL meeting in London

24th April 2012

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Dr Christoph Frei represented the World Energy Council at the meeting of the UN Secretary General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) High-Level Group in London on 24 April.

Dr Frei thanked the SE4All co-chairs for their invitation on behalf of the WEC, and congratulated SE4All on the progress achieved in ensuring energy is understood as a key enabler of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). He emphasised the WEC’s support for key issues highlighted at the meeting to be followed through, in particular the importance of a continued monitoring process for SE4All objectives, the power of an ongoing policy benchmarking process, and the need to continue the momentum of the SE4All initiative.

The Secretary General also pointed out that the WEC is already working on that front as part of its core activities. Its annual assessment of country energy and climate policies has taken the input from the WEC’s 93-member country network including governments and the private sector.

“Our work is aligned with the mission of SE4All,” Dr Frei said after the meeting. “The SE4All initiative offers a unique opportunity for the World Energy Council to provide a real, tangible contribution to furthering what has been identified as a UN priority.”

The SE4All meeting coincided with the Clean Energy Ministerial (25–26 April), a forum attended by energy ministers from 23 governments to promote clean energy. Dr Frei and Joan MacNaughton, Executive Chair of the WEC Assessment of country energy and climate policies, represented the WEC at the event.

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