World Energy Council Finland host Nordic Energy forum

23rd October 2019

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World Energy Council Finland host Nordic Energy forum the 29-30th of October

Hosted by the World Energy Council Finland, the Nordic Energy Forum will bring together over two hundred energy industry leaders and experts from Finland and Europe.

The Nordic Energy Forum will present over 40 interesting speakers from Finland and abroad. Speakers include Angela Wilkinson, the new Secretary General of the World Energy Council and previous Senior Director of Energy Senarios, Artur Runge Metzger, Director of 'Climate Strategy, governance and emissions from non-trading sectors', Directorate-General Climate Actions of the European Comission and Paula Pinho, head of unit and acting Director at the Directorate-General Energy in the European Commission.

Spotlights at the Nordic Energy Forum 29-30th of October 2019.

The Future of the Nordic energy markets will be discussed by a panel following up on a report on the development of energy cooperation prepared by Jorma Ollia for the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The programme on Tuesday will include a discussion of fossil-free future of heavy transportation and biofulels. In addition, Piia-Noora Kauppi, Manaing Direcor of Finance Finland FFI, will hold a talk about criteria for sustainable finance and its importance in shaping the future.

Wednesday will have focus on the innovation hightlights and new business models in the energy transition. Einari Kisel, Regional Manager for Europe at the World Energy Council, will head a panel discussing the syncronisation of the Baltic power system with the EU. The morning session will also discuss the gas, wind power and biomass markets in the Baltic Sea Region.

The final session will look at startups and venture innovations for energy transition, as well as new business opportunities by Dr. Carsten Rolle, Executive Officer, World Energy Council Germany, who will discuss game-changing innovations for clean energy.

The full programme can be found here

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