World Energy Council's FOREN 2012 to provide ministerial forum to address energy security in Central and Eastern Europe

13th June 2012

Press ReleaseEuropeEventsInnovationPolicy

Over 800 energy experts from government, academia, and industry are expected to gather at FOREN 2012 next week (17–21 June) to address the issue of energy supply security in Central and Eastern Europe.

The forum, to take place in Neptun-Olimp, Romania, is the 11th regional energy forum for Central and Eastern Europe organised annually by the WEC’s Romanian National Committee (WEC/RNC).

This year the event has been formally recognised as the World Energy Council’s (WEC) official regional meeting for Central and Eastern Europe. It is aimed to support the WEC’s mission to inform the energy debate and to create dialogue on energy policies for a sustainable energy future.

Christoph Frei, Secretary General of the World Energy Council, comments: “Many global energy issues have emerged in the past year: the Fukushima nuclear accident, the rising importance of shale gas, and the increased focus on smart grid and renewable energy.  These issues have created risks but also unique opportunities for countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Furthermore, amidst the economic uncertainty in Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe can offer significant growth opportunities.

“With the right energy policies, Central and Eastern Europe has the potential to provide the economic growth and the right conditions to secure a sustainable energy future. The World Energy Council is proud to support FOREN 2012 as its official regional meeting for Central and Eastern Europe.  The event will provide the ideal platform for decision-makers to address the region’s energy issues and to identify the right policy frameworks for securing economic growth and sustainable energy.”

The following ministers and CEOs will address delegates and media at the Opening Ceremony on Sunday, 17 June, 15:00–17:00 hrs at the Constanta Conference and Culture Center:
  • Daniel Chitoiu, Minister of Economy, Trade and Business Environment of Romania
  • Tomas Malatinsky, Minister of Economy of Slovakia
  • Tudor Constantinescu, DG Energy European Commission
  • Rodin Traicu, Secretary of State for Energy of Romania
  • Frank Hajdinijak, CEO at EON Romania
  • Cristiano Tortelli ,CEO of  CEE, Russia & CIS at GE Energy
  • Viorel Gafita, CEO Romelectro-Romania
  • Taavi Veskimagi, CEO Estonia TSO
  • Iulian Iancu, Chairman Romanian  Committee of the World Energy Council
  • Slav Slavov, Regional Manager for Europe at World Energy Council
FOREN will include a Regional Energy Day, keynote addresses, 18 corporate roundtables and three workshops to examine the most pressing issues on the agenda of Central and Eastern Europe’s economic and political decision makers. These issues include: energy policies for security of supply at the EU and regional level; electricity markets and the regulatory framework; regional policies on fossil fuel resources: clean coal technologies; energy efficiency; and environment protection.

Amongst the 13 topical themes addressed by FOREN 2012, special sessions will frame the discussions around the WEC’s flagship publications and agenda:

- “Energy Policy Trilemma” (20 June) will look at the role of governments, international organisations and NGOs in balancing the tradeoffs between the three dimensions of the trilemma (security of supply, environmental impact mitigation, and social equity) to achieve sustainability.   It will be led by Karl Rose, Director of WEC studies, with a discussion of the 2011 Assessment of Country Energy and Climate Policies; and Iulian Iancu, Chairman of WEC Romania.

- “Regional Approach to New Nuclear Projects” (20 June)  will be led by Alessandro Clerici, Chair of the WEC’s report Nuclear Energy One Year After Fukushima

- “Cleaner Fossil Fuels and Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage in Central and Eastern European countries” (21 June) will be led by Elena Nekhaev, Director of  WEC Programmes including the work from WEC’s Cleaner Fossil Fuels (CFFS) Knowledge Network

“European Energy Day” (19 June, 8.30–12.30 hrs), will explore as its central theme the role played by the WEC’s worldwide network of 93 Member Committees and specifically the links between its 36 European Committees to strengthen cooperation within the regional electricity market.

For more information about FOREN 2012, visit
To request media accreditation, contact Ms. Elena Ratcu at WEC Romania - - Tel: +4021 211 41 55; +4021 211 41 56
To request an interview with a WEC representative contact Florence Mazzone, Communications Manager, WEC London - - Tel: +44 2077345996
Learn more about the WEC’s publications:


The World Energy Council (WEC) is the principal impartial network of leaders and practitioners promoting an affordable, stable and environmentally sensitive energy system for the greatest benefit of all. Formed in 1923, WEC is the UN-accredited global energy body, representing the entire energy spectrum, with more than 3000 member organisations located in over 90 countries and drawn from governments, private and state corporations, academia, NGOs and energy related stakeholders. WEC informs global, regional and national energy strategies by hosting high-level events, publishing authoritative studies, and working through its extensive member network to facilitate the energy policy dialogue. Further details at  and @WECouncil

The World Energy Council’s Romanian National Member Committee (WEC/RNC) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) and a founding member of the WEC when it was first set up in 1923. It is a strategic partner for Romania’s sustainable energy development and use. WEC Romania actively contributes to global decision-making and has representatives in all WEC study committees.

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