
WEC Rules of Trade 2009: Trade and Investment Rules for Energy

Rules that govern energy trade is an issue that has generated increasing concern everywhere, from the standpoint of both the security of supply for consumers and security of demand for suppliers. This concern reflects the importance of rules that comprehensively address the needs from supply and demand point of view and integrate the international fabric of energy trade. The GATT and the WTO Agreement define trans-border movement of energy but leave many aspects unclear, particularly as efforts accelerate to control carbon emissions.

This timely report by a WEC Task Force of experts with legal standing in the energy business identifies the most pressing issues relating to energy trade and suggests actions and measures which, if implemented, would provide clarity and answer many questions. More importantly, these measures would strengthen the WTO and coming rounds of negotiations.

I want to thank and commend the Task Force for its meticulous and profitable work, and especially its Chair Timothy Richards and Lawrence Herman, its Director. Their work will benefit everyone.

C.P. Jain, Chair
WEC Studies Committee

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