
World Energy Focus 2015

The World Energy Focus, formerly World Energy Insight, is the official publication of the World Energy Council. The annual publication 2015/2016 is divided into 4 sections: Climate, Markets, Africa and the 2016 World Energy Congress featuring interviews and articles from CEO’s, energy ministers and leaders from across the world along with contributions from the Council itself.

Download the annual issue of World Energy Focus for free at http://worldenergyfocus.org/annual-2015-02/.

Some of the highlights in this 2015-2016 issue:
  • “Embracing the new frontiers of energy” by Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey
  • “Paris climate summit: What we need from the energy sector” by Christiana Figueres, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
  • “Energy sector to COP21: Produce an agreement, keep it simple, keep it measurable” by Francois Austin, Oliver Wyman
  • “Egypt and Jordan: Supporting renewables, being supported by renewables” by Riccardo Puliti, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

PLUS interviews with:
  • Naomi Hirose, Tokyo Electric Power Company “We aim to become the world’s safest nuclear operator”
  • Commissioner Elham Ibrahim, African Union “There is a clear need for African Countries to connect their national electricity grids”
  • Kirill Komarov, Rosatom “Globally there are no alternatives that can replace nuclear power”
  • Anita Marangoly George, World Bank, “There is a silent global energy transformation going on”

  • A feature “Smarter, not stronger: How to make energy infrastructure more resilient to extreme weather”.

Download the annual issue of World Energy Focus at http://worldenergyfocus.org/annual-2015-02/.

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