
World Energy Trilemma 2010: Pursuing sustainability - Assessment of country energy and climate policies

The second edition of our yearly Energy and Climate Policy Assessment, produced in conjunction with Oliver Wyman, is World Energy Council’s contribution to meeting the challenge of designing new energy governance with sound and effective public policies.
At a time when all countries are working to develop strategies for putting the crisis behind them, economic growth is an entirely legitimate and worthwhile goal. The problem is that the kind of growth we have pursued in the past forces us to address three fundamental issues: The first is security of supply. We must invest in new sources and infrastructure to meet demand.
The crisis has negatively affected some investment plans, and the recent surge in oil and commodity prices may curb growth. The second is environmental protection and climate change. Responsible for 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions and much of regional and urban air pollution, the energy sector is clearly on the front line of climate change. And in terms of urban environment, at a time when one out of every two people lives in a city, air quality is a major concern.

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