
Returned 12 results for Energy Scenarios

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World Energy Scenario Foundations 2024 World Energy Scenario Foundations 2024

Published on 18 Apr 2024

World Energy Scenario Foundations 2024

World Energy Scenarios | 2019: European Regional Perspectives World Energy Scenarios | 2019: European Regional Perspectives

Published on 11 Sep 2019

World Energy Scenarios | 2019: European Regional Perspectives

This report explores three plausible pathways to 2040 for a European region in Modern Jazz, Unfinished Symphony and Hard Rock futures.

The Future of Nuclear: Diverse Harmonies In the Energy Transition The Future of Nuclear: Diverse Harmonies In the Energy Transition

Published on 09 Sep 2019

The Future of Nuclear: Diverse Harmonies In the Energy Transition

This report describes three plausible pathways for the future of nuclear through the lens of the World Energy Scenarios framework – Modern Jazz, Unfinished Symphony, Hard Rock

World Energy Scenarios | 2019: Exploring Innovation Pathways to 2040 World Energy Scenarios | 2019: Exploring Innovation Pathways to 2040

Published on 09 Sep 2019

World Energy Scenarios | 2019: Exploring Innovation Pathways to 2040

The world of energy is being reshaped by a set of fundamental drivers, which we term the “Grand Transition”. These drivers provide the broader context for determining global energy pathways to 2040...

Innovation Insights Brief - Global Energy Scenarios Comparison Review Innovation Insights Brief - Global Energy Scenarios Comparison Review

Published on 10 Apr 2019

Innovation Insights Brief - Global Energy Scenarios Comparison Review

Energy transition is a part of a much wider Grand Transition, which is not all about energy. Energy transition cannot be...

World Energy Council Transition Toolkit User Guide World Energy Council Transition Toolkit User Guide

Published on 09 Apr 2019

World Energy Council Transition Toolkit User Guide

What is this? This is the World Energy Council’s Transition Toolkit User Guide. The User Guide presents the Counci...

World Energy Scenarios 2017 | Regional Perspective for Sub-Saharan Africa World Energy Scenarios 2017 | Regional Perspective for Sub-Saharan Africa

Published on 19 Feb 2018

World Energy Scenarios 2017 | Regional Perspective for Sub-Saharan Africa

The world energy system is undergoing faster and more fundamental changes shaped by the significant diversity of regiona...

World Energy Scenarios 2017 | Latin America & the Caribbean Energy Scenarios World Energy Scenarios 2017 | Latin America & the Caribbean Energy Scenarios

Published on 31 May 2017

World Energy Scenarios 2017 | Latin America & the Caribbean Energy Scenarios

The report 'Latin America &  the Caribbean (LAC) Energy Scenarios' examines the future of the regional ...

World Energy Scenarios 2016 - The Grand Transition World Energy Scenarios 2016 - The Grand Transition

Published on 03 Oct 2016

World Energy Scenarios 2016 - The Grand Transition

The report 'World Energy Scenarios 2016: THE GRAND TRANSITION' presents three exploratory scenarios—M...

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