Freyja Björk Dagbjartsdóttir

EuropeIcelandFuture Energy Leaders Community

Freyja Björk Dagbjartsdóttir

Business Innovation Manager, Landsvirkjun, the National Power Company of Iceland

Freyja Björk Dagbjartsdóttir is a Business Innovation Manager at Landsvirkjun, the National Power Company of Iceland. She holds an M.Phil degree in Advanced Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge and has submitted a PhD thesis at the same university. She did her undergraduate studies at the University of Iceland. She spent two years at the Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore. During her undergraduate studies, she obtained a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship at the California Institute of Technology. She took a strong interest in research early on and worked on various emission-mitigating technologies throughout her academic career. She brings this interest in technology to her current role at the National Power Company of Iceland where she tries to envision how energy systems might change, and how to prepare for and enable that change.

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