Maide Yılmaz

EuropeTurkeyFuture Energy Leaders Community

Maide Yılmaz

Operations Manager, Foton Energy

Maide Yılmaz is the Operations Manager at Foton Energy, serving as the Local IREC Issuer for Türkiye within the International Tracking Standard Foundation. She obtained her bachelor's degree in energy systems engineering.

Over the past two years, she has directed her efforts toward the registration of renewable energy power plants within the IREC system and managing issuance processes in Türkiye. Simultaneously, she has taken on the responsibility of managing compliance processes and has been dedicated to enhancing ISO management systems.

Currently, she is deeply engaged in developing methodologies for Foton ECO Labeling Programs, a product of Foton Energy. Her focus is specifically directed towards companies that procure 100% renewable energy and labelling high-efficiency cogeneration facilities. She is also developing methodologies for labelling to enhance its effectiveness.

Additionally, she is involved in hydrogen certification, working on standards and processes to certify hydrogen production and usage to ensure it meets renewable and sustainable criteria.

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