Matthias Agius

EuropeMaltaFuture Energy Leaders Community

Matthias Agius

Policy Officer, The Energy and Water Agency

Matthias Agius is a dedicated energy policy analyst with a strong background in environmental science whereby he has a first-class honour bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering and is currently finalising his master’s degree in environmental engineering.

In his current role at the Energy and Water Agency, Mr Agius has actively been seeking sensible policy solutions for a clean energy transition while aligning these with broader sustainable initiatives both at the national and European levels.

Mr. Agius’ work primarily focuses on promoting energy efficiency and the adoption of clean energy technologies, by carrying out in-depth research and analysis of various energy policies. Furthermore, he strives to identify opportunities for the adoption of more efficient and renewable energy equipment while considering socio-economic impacts and fostering sustainable approaches.

Mr. Agius’ collaborative spirit and leadership are evident in his work, liaising with several government agencies, stakeholders, and project partners. He currently leads the local coordination for the LEAPto11 project and co-chairs the European Energy Network Energy Efficiency Working Group, showcasing his commitment to clean energy policy advancement.

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