Solène Cronimus

EuropeFranceFuture Energy Leaders Community

Solène Cronimus

Project Manager, ENGIE

Solène has experience across several domains in the energy sector including nuclear, decarbonization solutions and energy generation. She began her career in nuclear energy, gaining valuable experience in Germany and Japan. After working at TotalEnergies for 2 years, she joined the ENGIE Solutions Graduate Program, where she held several positions, including bid management, performance roles and strategic analysis in diverse environments and energy-related fields such as buildings and transport.

Solène then joined the ENGIE Energy Solutions headquarters as a Project Manager to support projects focusing on decarbonization and energy efficiency for District Heating and Cooling systems and on-site energy production for industrial facilities. Solène currently acts as Contract Manager on a CCGT construction project in Belgium. She holds degrees from the engineering school IMT Atlantique and the business school ESCP Europe.

Solène is deeply motivated by engaging with energy experts and leaders, focusing on global and local challenges and available technologies. She is committed to accelerating the energy transition by sharing her expertise and skills with the community, and actively driving sustainable energy solutions forward.

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